if your business was irresistible to all the right people?

• Stuck in a day job you hate, without enough time, clarity, or energy
to build your dream business.
• Defeated, ashamed, and frustrated with the amount of time you’ve already wasted.
• Overwhelmed by all the big decisions you have to make, ideas
you could pursue, and steps you “should” take to move your
business forward.
• Directionless with no clue where to start—exhausted from going in circles and trying to make all the “right” decisions.
• Discouraged by your lack of tangible growth. The numbers (i.e., more followers + more sales) just aren’t growing the way you need them to.
• Lost and afraid of taking the wrong next step forward, when so many things you’ve tried haven’t worked for you or your business.
• Sick of all the icky, sleazy, and slimy marketing and sales tactics everyone says you “have to” do to become successful.
• Constantly questioning … everything. In fact, right now, you have more questions than answers and you’re tired of waiting for your business to take off.
current lack of followers and sales isn't paying the bills.

would look
like if ...
... you didn’t have to choose between a wildly successful business and a radically fulfilling life. Because THAT is exactly what branding school does: It gives you everything you need (including the strategy, structure, and support) to choose both from this point forward. Which practically translates to:
• Showing up to work on Monday mornings feeling excited about all the tasks on your plate, all the ideas you’re investing in, and all the customers you’re working with—because you’re passionately in love with each + every one of them.
• Sales doubling and tripling (which means quitting your day job and getting paid to work from home + being creative full-time).
• Working less (but making more) so you can be with your family, or travel the world, or go to the beach in the middle of a “workday.” And yes, this may sound too good to be true, but it’s our students' new reality!
• Dream customers loving, sharing, and buying from you, as soon as they land on your website or see one of your social media posts.
• A business that’s custom-tailored to fit your unique strengths + lifestyle goals, which makes growing it easy and worth it.
• Getting featured on blogs, podcasts, and magazines that you only dreamed of a few months ago.
• Waking up each day, fulfilled, grateful, and proud knowing you've found your calling and are living your purpose.
you’ll create a business that authentically attracts more of the right customers.

Jasmine D. tripled her monthly sales
“Knowing who my dreamies are and how to reach them is like finding a pot of gold! I went from 1-3 orders a month to 10-15 orders a week!!! MOIB is the holy grail of branding for creative entrepreneurs and I’m so proud to be an Irresistible.”

“Since living out my brand, my dream clients seek me out, instead of ME putting in the work to chase them. It’s been amazing to watch, going from barely booking clients to reaching half my goal
already for next year.”

“I left my full-time job to delve into my own irresistible brand! And every single client (yup,
every single client) who booked a wedding next year is a definite dream client. Would I have believed that a year ago? Not a chance in hell!!”
depend on you becoming irresistible to all the right people.
You’ve seen this firsthand, right?
- Your dream customer’s expectations are higher than ever.
- Their attention spans are more splintered.
- The field of competition is more saturated by the day.
- And products and services are easily commoditized.
Simply put: The only way to stand out is to become more
irresistible than your competition.
Because once you become irresistible:
- You’re no longer guessing … you’re strategizing.
- You’re no longer questioning … you’re captivating.
- You’re no longer hustling … you’re persuading.
- You’re no longer drowning … you’re profiting.
Essentially, the more you tap into what makes you truly irresistible to all the right people, the more everything you want is within your reach.
ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead.”
Because according to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, not only is that statistic true, but, “Shockingly, only 15% [of financial success] is due to technical knowledge.”
This is exactly why branding school isn’t about the tech, design, or shiny “outer layer” of your business (which, we can promise you right now, is NOT the thing holding you back from success), but about giving you everything you need to market who you really are, sell what you really do, and live a life that really matters.
Let me repeat that, because it goes against everything you’ve been told and taught before this point:
An irresistible brand has absolutely nothing to do with the tools, technology, or templates you use and everything to do with your ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead your customer.
In other words, an irresistible brand is about BOTH you and your customer. That’s why it works. It’s also why branding school is unlike any other branding course on the market, as we focus first + foremost on YOU (the visionary, creative, and leader).
Of course, you’ll still need:
- Dream customers that buy
- A communication plan that persuades
- Products that sell
- A sales funnel that converts
- A customer experience that keeps them coming back for more
And yes, we’ll cover ALL OF THAT (and then some) within this branding program. But more than anything else, we’re here to invest in you.
Because the more fulfilled, aligned, happy, purposeful, passionate, confident, and equipped you are … the more successful everything else you do becomes.

you’ll not only say it’s the best money you’ve ever spent, but the return on your investment
(i.e., more followers, more sales, and more authenticity), will prove that taking this leap
and betting on yourself is actually the least crazy thing of all.
Which means you’ll never feel alone, invisible, or lost in the crowd again.
This program is the exact opposite of every shallow, basic, or “stepping stone” course you’ve ever taken (which lack the direct access and depth you’re really looking for).
This is the ONE thing we sell … which means all of our time, love, energy, knowledge, and team are 100% focused on making branding school the most supportive, hands-on, and transformational business course on the market.
Behind-the-scenes we know each + every student by name. And, unlike other business courses where you don’t have any access to the leaders OR you only get access to them for the first few weeks, we continuously pour into our community year after year.
Which is why signing up for branding school = 24/7 lifetime access to group coaching … for the same price as all those DIY online courses you didn’t have time for or that disappointed you in the past.

• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into a truly irresistible brand (in less than 45 days).
• Access to TWO business strategists who, together, uniquely specialize in both the vision + implementation needed to grow your business (i.e., Elise will help you come up with your very best ideas and Scott will help you see those ideas through).
• The exact relationship-centric branding strategies we’ve successfully tested at every level of business (whether you’re starting at 0 or 6 figures).
• 10 years of real branding research from working with hundreds of 1-on-1 clients, and 20,000 hours of hands-on and real-world branding studio experience.
• Content that grows with you. You’ll want to take our course over and over again—because you’ll learn new things + take your business to the next level every time you do!
We're big supporters of different learning styles and celebrate them throughout our program (we'll even teach you how to use and embrace yours within your business)! So whether you're an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner, you'll be able to learn, grow, and succeed on your terms.
best-selling author, MSNBC business expert, The Wall Street Journal columnist,
and founder of 3 multi-million dollar companies.

“I'm so incredibly grateful to have the deep and guiding MOIB curriculum. At the end of last year I was getting about 5-8 orders a day. Since I started MOIB, my daily order average has been 2-3 times that. Honestly, it's crazy.”

“Before starting MOIB, I was working with 90%
non-dreamy clients. After going through the MOIB process, I’ve been able to fill up my schedule with 100% dreamy clients, triple my pricing, and increase my income.”

“This course has been the most valuable asset in my business. Before MOIB, I didn't understand why my business wasn't moving forward. After MOIB, the game changed! Business has tripled in a year since creating my very own irresistible brand!”
Into What You Do
Far from just another business course, we take the time to lay the foundation your business needs to go from where you are now, to booked solid with customers happy to pay you for your products and services. As we uncover all the reasons why your brand is irresistible, we’ll not only breathe new life into your business, but pave the way for everything that comes next: more followers, more sales, and a life that’s more YOURS than ever before.
Close and Win Their Affection
Perhaps one of the most powerful lessons of your Branding School experience because you will uncover how to be seen, heard, and paid by all the right customers with unparalleled authenticity. We go far beyond the typical “customer avatar” exercises (you’ve probably seen before), because the deeper we go, the more you’ll attract, engage, and convert your followers into happy customers + true ambassadors.

Rise Above the Crowd
Look around and every sales expert will tell you that your stories will sell your customers and allow your business to rise above the crowd. But the problem is that no one is telling you how to pull out your own story that sells. But after Week 3, you’ll not only have a story that stands out from everyone else, but you’ll have everything you need to woo follower after follower into loving, sharing, and buying from you.
Ease and Grow Your Following
One of the biggest areas holding talented people like you back is the icky way in which every other business seems to be sharing content, always self-promoting and leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. That’s not okay for you or your business. You’re about people, connections, and helping. Which is why, after Week 4, you’ll not only know exactly WHAT to share, but HOW to share it in a way that genuinely feels good to you and your tribe.
Something They’ll Love to Buy
Look, it’s simple: If you can’t sell it, they won’t buy it. And without sales coming into your business, you will not make any money or have the opportunity to help your people. Which is why, after this week, selling will no longer be something you fear or dread, but a skill you’ll embrace with grace and ease. The best part: When you get this piece of the equation right, it leads to even more followers, more sales, and more life spent living.
Transform Every Sale Into a Raving Fan
The best advertising on the planet is word-of-mouth from a happy customer, and it’s FREE promotion for your business. Week 6 will teach you how to create environments that leave your customers as your biggest fans and best source of new business because they’ll be telling everyone about you! If there’s one “secret” to a truly irresistible brand: This is it. Because the happier your customers become, the more success will follow.

we’re adding in 3 extra training bonuses (valued at $600).
Simplifying Your Way to Profitability
A healthy conversation about money, choosing the right business model, and loving your numbers. Includes a step-by-step breakdown of how/why our business, Hey, Sweet Pea, was profitable from the start (going from zero to 6 figures in year one) and has scaled to multiple 6 figures since then.
“After watching this video, I immediately created a path to uncomplicating my business.” - Andrea C.

Creating Your Own Sales-Generating Website
A step-by-step guide to creating your own digi-home (and selling your expertise), without hiring a designer, wasting time, or investing thousands of dollars (you don’t need to spend). From fonts to colors, images, and opt-ins, you’ll design, build, and launch it ALL with ease and simplicity.
“After watching Website in a Weekend, my new motto is, ‘Simplify and
DO!’” - Christy H.

Building Your Business Bigger Than Yourself
This next-level growth plan will transform your role from “doing it all,” to “owning what you do best.” From the practical logistics of hiring to the mindset shifts needed to become more profitable, this training will remove 80% of your to-do list, so you can focus on living + making MORE.
“After watching this, I’m refining my business so I don’t have to do it
alone.”- Manelle M.

you’re looking for … then welcome home.
It’s time to peel back the layers and
create something
Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Just $97 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $84)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $258)

you’ll also get lifetime access to two additional bonuses (valued at $300)

• A proven step-by-step system for getting more done, in less time, with better results (and happier customers).
• You’ll gain control of your life + business with time-saving hacks for working smarter—not harder. This means doing more of what you love, accomplishing more with the time you have, and spending more of your week living a life outside of your business (including 100% guilt-free and work-free evenings, weekends, and vacations).
• This class is no longer available for purchase outside of the My Own Irresistible Brand program. The only way to get lifetime access to it (valued at $300) is by enrolling through this webinar-exclusive offer.

We're confident you'll love what we've created for you and your brand. But we know this is an investment and we want you to feel absolutely comfortable and
confident that this program is the perfect fit for you. Which is why we offer a 30-day 100% refund policy. If you give this
program your all and you're not convinced that My Own Irresistible Brand is going to improve your brand, we will happily refund you in full.*
*To qualify for a refund you must submit 3 weeks of completed worksheets (so we know you gave it a real shot) and the reason why our program won't work for you
(so we can learn and grow) by the 30-day deadline. We're here for you every step of your journey and this is just one of the ways we want to set your heart at ease.

All of a sudden, what I WANT to do and CAN do finally align. MOIB has served as the cheat sheet, giving me the codes to crack my seemingly never-ending business puzzle.
This school is like a breath of fresh air. You'll get WAY more than you ever expected in the way of clarity of vision and detailed step-by-step directions on EXACTLY what you need to do to get your brand up and running once and for all. Elise + Scott take the fear and the pain out of the process. And I guarantee you by the middle of Week 1, you'll say it's the best money you've ever spent. I've spent a LOT of time and LOT of money working on branding, and this is the first time I've ever been at the right place at the right time with the right people. I can honestly say I've never experienced this newfound freedom in branding."

I have already worked with two clients who told me I have changed their life! Like, I can really help people change their lives! It's amazing! Not only am I living out my dreams, but it brings so much meaning and purpose to my life.
I think deep down every entrepreneur YEARNS to have to an authentic business that truly represents them, but the HOW feels overwhelming. Where do you start?
Elise + Scott teach the HOW simply. Everything is broken up into simple weekly tasks with clear direction. So you look forward to sitting down and doing the homework as opposed to dreading it. I don't know where my business would be without it. It brings clarity to so many practical aspects and helps you stay TRUE to yourself while you're on this journey. You won't find anything else like this out there. It will change your life and your business. Just to be around Elise + Scott is worth it. They are the real deal."
Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Just $97 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $84)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $258)

and living a life that’s more YOURS than ever before.

“MOIB was a launching platform for my entire business. I have gone from just some ideas and dreams before MOIB, to a full-blown online storefront—in less than a year. And I met the first month sales goal that I set for myself in the first 3 weeks!”

“As a result of MOIB, people are seeing a confident businesswoman who is serious about her business and our calendar is full of bookings. On top of that, MOIB was instrumental in my husband quitting his full-time job to pursue our business 100%.”

"Branding school has given me the power to show the value of my offerings. My dream clients know, without a doubt, that they want me! It's surreal to think back to when I scraped for bookings, and now I book up every season.”
It’s time to do the work you were meant to do, love the people you were
meant to love, and live the life you were meant to live.

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Just $97 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $84)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• A proven step-by-step system for turning your creative business into an irresistible brand (in less than 45 days)
• Instant + lifetime access to ALL the material
• Private Facebook community with continuous access to #TeamSweetPea
• 6 weeks of bite-size video training (5-20 minutes each) so you can immediately implement + get results
• Stress-free tools to bring sanity, freedom, and ease into your business
• 3 extra bonus trainings ($600 value): Profitable From the Start, Website in a Weekend, Scaling Beyond Solopreneurship
• Plus, the webinar-only bonus training ($300 value): Mastering Systems and Productivity
(Saves you $258)