Last minute New Wave details
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Hey friend,

There's only a little over a week until the New Wave Conference and we can't WAIT to welcome you into our first-ever 1-day CEO sanctuary!

Since we're getting so close, it's time to finalize some things + make sure you have ALL the details you need.

  1. Head over to this link to select your lunch choice. There will be light breakfast food provided upon your arrival at the event. We'll have a catered lunch for you (whichever option you pick) and afternoon snacks. A variety of beverages will be available throughout the day.

    *Important note: The deadline to submit your lunch choice is Friday, July 26 at 5pm EDT.
  2. Here are the important details for conference day:
    Date:    Friday, August 2nd, 2019
    Time: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
    Venue: Venue: East End Market — 3201 Corrine Dr, Orlando, FL 32803
    Contact:      If you’re having trouble finding the venue, or for any last minute (event related) emergencies, you can call or text us at 407-504-1312
  3. Here's a map to help you easily find parking on conference day. You can download the map here. There's a ton of free parking available, so if you will have your car in Orlando, there's no need to worry about dealing with paid parking or having to catch a ride.

  4. If you haven't checked out the details on our new conference page, we have looooots of juicy details available for you! From keynote speakers, to panels, topics, and themes ... ALL of these details can be found on our conference website.

We’re so excited about every single one of these details, since we’ve poured so much love into making August 2 a day of true BREAKTHROUGH—for both your life and your business.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reply to this email. We’re here to help. Always.

To depth, transparency, and in-person hugs,
Elise + Scott

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