your results, data,
sales, and future.


Right now, there’s a disconnect
between how much you’re investing into your business
and how much it’s giving back
And all the online noise, all the step-by-step plans, and all
the must-dos seem to make everything worse.

That's exactly
why you're ...
- In a constant state of overwhelm, weariness, and burnout (stuck in an endless cycle of old shoulds, musts, and have-tos)
- Carrying guilt, shame, and hurt over the results you still don’t have after all the time, money, and energy you’ve already wasted
- Confused as to why everyone is promising you “passive income” when you can’t even get your “active income” figured out
- Accepting any project/client that comes your way because you need the money and you aren’t attracting the followers and dream clients everyone else seems to be
- Feeling more and more disillusioned, disconnected and out of place on social media, in your industry, and from online marketing
- Constantly struggling to find the right words to describe what you do, who it’s for, and why it’s worth paying for (which makes marketing/selling your true vision feel impossible)
- Frustrated by all the business clichés and one-size-fits-all advice that don’t acknowledge the messy intersection of life + business and ignore all context and nuance
- Feeling isolated in your business because you don’t want to market/sell using the icky, sleazy, and slimy ways everyone says you “have to” to be successful
And that’s also why the all-new Branding School 2.0: The Live Experience
isn’t another “online course” with a formulaic step-by-step plan (that doesn’t actually
fit you, your goals, or your business).
Instead ...
This is a modern-day
immersive accelerator
that deepens and expands the skill sets you need to step into your true role
as the CEO and Brand Strategist for your business.

all of the noise, and all of the weariness,
Attracting more
Selling more
Living more
becomes more than just our Branding School promise, but a reality within your own life and business as you unlock all-new levels of possibility, predictability, and profitability previously hidden from view.
all of the noise, and all of the weariness,
Attracting more
Selling more
Living more
becomes more than just our Branding School promise, but a reality within your own life and business as you unlock all-new levels of possibility, predictability, and profitability previously hidden from view.
Now, to be perfectly clear: Building a business that gives you a life (instead of one that takes from it) doesn’t mean you’ll have to “burn everything to the ground” in order to rebuild it into something that works for you even better. But what it does mean is that …

The next generation of branding
is here, and it's time for:
A new way of thinking, A new way of doing, and A
new way of marketing, selling, and delivering what you do

- Photography
- Design
- Coaching
- Jewelry
- Retreats
- Clothing
- Videography
- Artwork
- Wedding services
- Yoga classes
- Copywriting
- Handmade products
- Online courses
- Beauty products
- Massage therapy
- Baked goods

So let’s set aside all the hype
and all the clichés and imagine what it would look like if …
• You didn’t have to chase after customers, but started creating the kind of social media campaigns, list-building campaigns, and sales campaigns that made it natural and seamless for the right people to find you, follow you, and buy from you
• You stopped “leaking” time, energy, customers, and cash flow and finally built a business that gives you life instead of one that takes from it
• You had true peace of mind and predictability from a steady flow of new + returning customers
• You could breathe NEW life into your reach, engagement, and conversion rates (despite over-saturation, the algorithms, and the rising cost of paid advertising)
• Your brand actually “fit” you and grew alongside you without ever limiting your capacity for more growth, more customers, more support, and more revenue
• Your vision, ideas, strategies, and next steps were so focused, intentional, and aligned that you never wasted any time guessing what would work and what wouldn’t
• You weren’t struggling to pay yourself, your expenses, or your taxes AND there was finally enough margin to hire the support team you need
than the current state of online marketing has led you to believe
Which is exactly why all the regurgitated advice (that’s currently keeping you in a state
of overwhelm, weariness, and burnout) isn’t working anymore. And why all the guilt,
shame, pressure,
and clichés that weigh you down are NOT burdens you need to carry any longer.

But there is hope
Despite over-saturation, algorithms, and the rising cost
of paid advertising, there’s still so much hope.
HOPE for the future of modern-day brand marketing. HOPE for a future of true connection and real engagement. HOPE for every ambitious CEO who dares to defy the online echo chamber + create success on their own terms.
Because yes, the days of “more content,” and “easy sales” are over (thank goodness) … but the end of all this regurgitation, all of this automation, and all of this dehumanization has ALREADY paved the way for something much deeper and truer to work even better.
And this “even better” approach is exactly why both your life and livelihood depend on you becoming irresistible to all the right people.
You’ve seen this firsthand, right?
• Your dream customer’s expectations are higher than ever
• Their attention spans are more splintered
• The field of competition is more saturated by the day
• And products and services are easily commoditized
Simply put: The only way to stand out is to become more irresistible than your competition.
Because once you become irresistible:
• You’re no longer guessing … you’re strategizing.
• You’re no longer procrastinating … you’re analyzing.
• You’re no longer hustling … you’re simplifying.
• You’re no longer drowning … you’re profiting.
Essentially, the more you tap into what makes you truly irresistible to all the right people, the more everything you do, create, write, and sell predictably works. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do TOGETHER in Branding School.
HOPE for the future of modern-day brand marketing. HOPE for a future of true connection and real engagement. HOPE for every ambitious CEO who dares to defy the online echo chamber + create success on their own terms.
Because yes, the days of “more content,” and “easy sales” are over (thank goodness) … but the end of all this regurgitation, all of this automation, and all of this dehumanization has ALREADY paved the way for something much deeper and truer to work even better.
And this “even better” approach is exactly why both your life and livelihood depend on you becoming irresistible to all the right people.
You’ve seen this firsthand, right?
• Your dream customer’s expectations are higher than ever
• Their attention spans are more splintered
• The field of competition is more saturated by the day
• And products and services are easily commoditized
Simply put: The only way to stand out is to become more irresistible than your competition.
Because once you become irresistible:
• You’re no longer guessing … you’re strategizing.
• You’re no longer procrastinating … you’re analyzing.
• You’re no longer hustling … you’re simplifying.
• You’re no longer drowning … you’re profiting.
Essentially, the more you tap into what makes you truly irresistible to all the right people, the more everything you do, create, write, and sell predictably works. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do TOGETHER in Branding School.

And yet, online courses haven’t taught you
how to create this level of predictability because they lack the depth, nuance,
and context needed to truly strategize and lead your business forward.
Because just so we’re all 100% clear:
1) Traditional online courses weren’t built for depth. Which means they completely bypass the fact that every single participant is coming from a unique starting line with different experiences, different goals, different needs, and different brand advantages.
2) They’re outdated and actively contributing to all the regurgitated advice and clichés found within the online echo chamber. Which means all the truly relevant information is kept for 1-on-1 clients and $30,000 masterminds and most online courses are based on what worked 3-5 years ago—NOT what’s working right now.
And this lack of access to relevant online education is not only keeping your business 5-10 steps behind the curve, but it’s making you feel like you are the failure (when, in reality, the online marketing industry has failed you).

That’s exactly why we have poured the last 9 months into redesigning your
Branding School Experience so that you get a higher level of support and access to what you need
to reach the right people, grow without burnout, and succeed on your own terms.
It’s also why nothing
about Branding School 2.0: The Live Experience
is like anything you’ve experienced or seen from us (or anyone else) before.
For example, a lot of courses say they’ll save you time and cut down the learning curve ... but a lot of times they don’t deliver on that promise because of how the course material is delivered, or how outdated it is, or how many decisions you still have to make all by yourself.
In Branding School 2.0, we aim to change ALL of that and to offer you true CEO support and relief. For us, this means actually removing tasks, busywork, and have-to’s from your plate instead of adding to them.
Whether we’re …
• Removing decision-fatigue (by teaching you our decision-making framework and showing up LIVE every week to help make decisions alongside you)
• Removing every to-do that is NOT aligned with your “brand advantages” (thus giving you lots of time/energy to invest it what WILL work for you)
• Removing “brand gaps” that are currently leaking time, energy, customers, and cash flow (and distracting you from leading your business forward)
• Removing all the busywork and vanity metrics (so you can focus 100% of your time, love, and energy on profit-generating tasks)
• Removing loneliness and isolation (and replacing it with true mentorship, access, and community)
• Removing all the clutter and confusion currently causing you weariness both inside your brain, your business, and your feed
The DEPTH we provide in Branding School 2.0 doesn’t complicate your business, but uncomplicates it layer by layer, as we reimagine and rebuild your marketing, sales, and delivery process and increase your capacity to communicate, negotiate, and lead.

futurist, and leader your business
really needs you to be
That’s why we’re so focused on teaching you profit-generating skill sets and not handing you some outdated step-by-step plan. Because an unpersonalized and uncustomized “plan” actually restricts your earning potential and limits you to only one way of thinking, one way of doing, and one way of marketing/selling what you do.
BUT when you learn the skill sets needed to communicate, negotiate, and lead your business forward, it not only unlocks a new level of earning potential, but allows you to design a business that gives you a life instead of one that takes from it.
Of course, this doesn’t mean your entire life + business will suddenly be perfect and every day will be a “dream day” where you’re working on a laptop from a beach in Bali 365 days a year.
But what it does mean is that you will walk away with a business that’s designed to SUCCEED because of the profit-generating skill sets you’ve developed which will PAY YOU FOR LIFE.
Profit-generating skill sets like:
• How to use your secret strengths as “brand advantages”
• How to come up with new ideas and decide which ideas are worth pursuing
• How to understand your own data (and test, track, and tweak your metrics so they improve over time)
• How to do real-world customer research that can 2-3X your yearly revenue
• How to write people-centric AND conversion-centric social media posts, emails, and website copy that make the right people say, “Yes, this!”
• How to communicate using your “Persuasion Personality” (which is kind of like your “Storytelling Enneagram”)
• How to sell like a human (through social, email, video, etc.)
• How to innovate and disrupt your industry (and continuously rise above the noise and in your own lane)
• How to create sustainable systems that actually save time, energy, and resources
That’s the kind of ROI you can’t put a price tag on.
Because once you know how to create the kind of attention, engagement, buzz, traction, conversions, and culture that you need, you unlock the kind of real-world momentum that goes beyond “vanity metrics” to:
True reach. True customers. True results.

Registration closes in:
Rather than give you busy work and endless to-dos that leave you overwhelmed, distracted, and focused on non-profit-generating tasks, Branding School 2.0 does things a little differently.
Because …
A) You’re running a business, and the last thing you need is pointless “homework”
B) You want real access and support, not template vaults and ghost town Facebook groups.
C) Your goal is to create a better business, not complete an online course.
That's why branding school 2.0
is now a live experience that consists of:
Every Monday we will go live with you twice. Yes, LIVE. At 12pm Eastern and 7pm Eastern.
Starting June 17th, every Monday you have two opportunities to learn in real-time. Because we’ll be teaching the same curriculum at both sessions (so you can pick/choose the time/combo that works for you).
During Monday’s class, we will teach you LIVE as we walk you through our proprietary branding and marketing frameworks and behind-the-scenes strategies. And because we’ll be live, we’ll be able to tailor the experience to the group!
Plus, once the live session is over, we’ll upload the entire recording to your student portal so you never miss out on ANY of the content and you can rewatch an unlimited number of times.
Every Monday we will go live with you twice. Yes, LIVE. At 12pm Eastern and 7pm Eastern.
Starting June 17th, every Monday you have two opportunities to learn in real-time. Because we’ll be teaching the same curriculum at both sessions (so you can pick/choose the time/combo that works for you).
During Monday’s class, we will teach you LIVE as we walk you through our proprietary branding and marketing frameworks and behind-the-scenes strategies. And because we’ll be live, we’ll be able to tailor the experience to the group!
Plus, once the live session is over, we’ll upload the entire recording to your student portal so you never miss out on ANY of the content and you can rewatch an unlimited number of times.

Every Thursday, we go live with you again.
Yes, LIVE @ 7pm Eastern.
Making decisions is one of the hardest parts of building a business. But between our decision-making framework we’re teaching in Week 1, and the fact that we will offer you real-time support each week … you will NOT be left to figure out anything on your own.
We will meet you LIVE to help relieve all the pressure and weight from your CEO shoulders. No more doing this alone.
It isn’t enough to just offer you a Facebook group as your “support system.”
We meet you where you are to help you resolve questions and remove roadblocks so that you keep gaining momentum and seeing results. You’ll be able to walk away with a brand that’s not only irresistible to your customers, but a business that feels just as good behind-the-scenes.
of experts for your business
Beyond the core curriculum and the CEO support, you’re also getting several bonus training sessions as a part of Branding School 2.0. After wrapping up the first 7 weeks of Branding School, you get behind-the-scenes access to OUR business. We're going to pull back the curtain to give you the answers you want, on the topics you’ve never been able to get REAL answers about.
Nothing is off limits as you have the opportunity to ask our team of experts questions about:
Sales Emails
Special guest Kendrick Shope - Sales expert
Instagram Stories + DMs
Presented by Elise Grice and Bailey Wise - Hey, Sweet Pea Happiness Ambassador
Systems + Operations
Presented by Scott Grice and Alyssa Oliha - Hey, Sweet Pea Operations Manager
Facebook + Instagram Ads
Special guest Tara Johnson - Hey, Sweet Pea Ads Manager

This shift is unprecedented in
the online course world
Because even though there’s more online education
available than ever before, the level of mentorship we’re now offering in
Branding School 2.0 is typically reserved for $10,000-30,000 investments
(like 1-on-1 coaching or masterminds).
Endorsed by industry leaders, including Mike Michalowicz,
best-selling author, MSNBC business expert, The Wall Street Journal columnist,
and founder of 3 multi-million dollar companies.
That’s exactly what’s waiting for you
inside Branding School 2.0
Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Just $187 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $176)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $247)

Registration closes in:

what's included
inside branding school 2.0:
what's included inside
branding school 2.0
Answers the question:
“How do I figure out where all the leaks are happening in my business and develop my brand advantages and through-line?”
Far from just another business course, we take the time to lay the foundation your business needs to go from where you are now, to booked solid with customers happy to pay you for your products and services. We’ll not only teach you how to think like a strategist, but we’ll also guide you through the frameworks of ideation and decision making, allowing you to uncover all the reasons why your brand is totally irresistible. We’ll dive deep into creating and developing your brand’s relevancy, advantage and through-line. Not only will this week breathe new life into your business, but it will pave the way for everything that comes next: more followers, more sales, and a life that’s more YOURS than ever before.
Answers the question:
“How do I find my dream customers and actually create marketing campaigns, a sales process, and offerings that are predictably relevant and profitable?”
Perhaps one of the most powerful lessons of your Branding School experience: you will uncover how to be seen, heard, and paid by all the right customers with unparalleled predictability and relevancy. As we guide you through the framework of how to effectively research your dream customer, you’ll not only get to know them deeply, but you’ll know exactly where to find them. We go far beyond the typical “customer avatar” exercises (you’ve probably seen before), because the deeper we go, the more you’ll attract, engage, and convert your followers into happy customers + true ambassadors.

WEEK three:
Answers the question:
“How do I make sure every piece of my brand communicates exactly what my dream customers need to hear?”
Look around and every sales expert will tell you that your stories will sell your customers and allow your business to rise above the crowd. But the problem is that no one is telling you how to pull out your own story that sells or how to communicate your brand’s message effectively. During Week 3, we’ll guide you through the framework of how to write for your brand in a way that will leave you feeling confident that every piece of your brand communicates exactly what your dream customers need to hear. After Week 3, you’ll not only have a story that stands out from everyone else, but you’ll have a through-line that will woo follower after follower into loving, sharing, and buying from you.
WEEK four:
Answers the question:
“But what kind of content should I be creating so I don’t have to be posting all the time?”
One of the biggest areas holding talented people like you back is the sensationalized way in which every other business seems to be sharing content, always self-promoting and leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. That’s not okay for you or your business. You’re about people, connections, and helping. So rather than telling you to be more “consistent,” or giving you hacks for getting more likes and followers, this week will teach you exactly how to create meaningful content that forms real relationships with your audience. You’ll develop the skill of creating buzz and warming your audience so that they’re ready to buy. So you’ll not only know exactly WHAT to share, but HOW to share it in a way that genuinely feels good to you and your community.
WEEK five:
Answers the question:
“How do I turn my followers into paying customers, because for me that’s the hardest part?”
Look, it’s simple: If you can’t sell it, they won’t buy it. And without sales coming into your business, you will not make any money or have the opportunity to help your people. Which is why, after this week, selling will no longer be something you fear or dread, but a skill you’ll embrace with grace, ease, and innovation. We’ll not only guide you through creating an irresistible offering that sells, but we’ll also dive deep into how to price your offering and launch it in a way that will turn followers into paying customers. The best part: When you get this piece of the equation right, it leads to even more followers, even more sales, and even more life spent living.
WEEK six:
Answers the question:
“How do I make sure I take care of every customer without burning myself out?”
The best advertising on the planet is word-of-mouth from a happy customer, and it’s FREE promotion for your business. Which is why, throughout Week 6, we’ll guide you in creating a brand culture of your very own that’s centered around the ultimate customer experience and delivering that experience with excellence. We’ll teach you how to create environments that leave your customers as your biggest fans without leaving you feeling burnt out. With your new capacity to take care of each and every customer, your dreamies will quickly become your best source of new business because they’ll be telling everyone about you! If there’s one “secret” to a truly irresistible brand, this is it. Because the happier your customers become, the more success will follow.

3 of our 1000+ alumni
All of this means when you graduate
Branding School you will have what you need to
Attract more
Sell more
And live more
Through elevating your reach,
building your true following, and selling like a human.
we're waiting for you
inside Branding School 2.0
Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Just $187 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $176)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $247)

exclusive bonus
join us
in person
for free
When you purchase Branding School 2.0 we’re giving you a
complimentary ticket to the New Wave Conference

New Wave Conference
This 1-day, pitch free event,
on August 2, will dive deep into systems,
soul, strategy, and sales.
Mark your calendars for this bonus of the year August 2, 2019 in Orlando Florida
Unlike other courses who have more to sell you, we want to give you ALL ACCESS to the Branding School 2.0 New Wave Conference for FREE
A 7-week accelerator that looks nothing like the DIY courses you’ve bought in the past.
This is what makes Branding School 2.0 so different from other online courses.
And why our promise to you this: By the time you’ve finished Week 1 of this program, you’ll not only say it’s the best money you’ve spent this year, but the best educational experience you’ve invested in over the course of your business.

The unique combo you get in Branding School
gives you the best of both worlds, as you get access to:
Elise’s CEO brain and Scott’s COO brain.

Which means Elise will bring the fire when it comes to the Marketing/Sales side of your business,
and Scott will bring the fire when it comes to the Operations/Systems side of your business.
Branding School 2.0 was not
built after reading a book,
or taking a course, or working with a couple of clients.
It’s a culmination of 12 years of branding experience.
Including …
• A career in branding at Sony Pictures Studios
• 8 years in business
• 4 years as a branding studio
• 4 years as a branding school
• And 2,920 days of testing, tracking, and tweaking

We don’t know of a single branding team that offers this level of experience and depth to your business.
That’s why nowhere else in the online space are you going to find a more robust, dimensional, or customizable approach to branding your modern-day business.
Our goal isn’t just to teach you the basics, but to give you access to a level of mastery that is undeniably unprecedented.
We don’t know of a single branding team that offers this level of experience and depth to your business.
That’s why nowhere else in the online space are you going to find a more robust, dimensional, or customizable approach to branding your modern-day business.
Our goal isn’t just to teach you the basics, but to give you access to a level of mastery that is undeniably unprecedented.
Because it's not about the logo
(you don't need one)
And it's not about the website
it can be super simple
and it's definitely not
about your color scheme, or your mood board, or
anything else you’ve been told “branding” is.
That’s why once you learn HOW to create the type of brand we teach you how to create,
it unlocks a new level of possibility, predictability, and profitability previously hidden from view.
Registration closes in:
we're waiting for you
inside Branding School 2.0
Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Just $187 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $176)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $247)

14-day risk-free refund policy
We're confident you'll love what we've created for you and your brand. But we know this is an investment and we want you to feel absolutely comfortable and confident that this program is the perfect fit for you. Which is why we offer a 14-day 100% refund policy. If you give this program your all and you're not convinced that My Own Irresistible Brand is going to improve your brand, we will happily refund you in full.*
*To qualify for a refund you must submit all your completed worksheets (so we know you gave it a real shot) and the reason why our program won't work for you (so we can learn and grow) by the July 1st deadline. We're here for you every step of your journey and this is just one of the ways we want to set your heart at ease.

Branding School 2.0 was built
because of our own insatiable desire for
depth, data, transparency, access, and support.
It was built because “The days of ‘engineering smallness and playing it safe’ are over,” as Brené Brown so perfectly said.
And it was built because we believe that when you tap into parts of your brain, your story, your strengths, your message, your voice, your humanity, and your vision in ways that you haven’t tapped into them before, it unlocks your capacity to lead like a strategist, sell like a human, and create a new wave of earning potential.
Because when we—as humans and leaders—grow, and change, and heal, and become more of the people we are meant to be … our business grows, and changes, and heals, and become more of the version it’s meant to be, too.
Which is exactly why our Branding School promise to you is this: We are here to invest in YOU as a human just as much as we are here to invest in you as a CEO. And our first 7 weeks together are only the start of our journey. After that, there’s in-person time. After that, there’s more Q&A time. And after that … we keep showing up for you, week after week inside the Facebook community, WHENEVER you need us most.
Because once you’re IN you’re a part of the family. Which means the best is yet to come. Always.
With all our love for you,

we're waiting for you
inside Branding School 2.0
Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Just $187 today)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $176)

Here’s what you’ll get:
• 7 weeks of LIVE mentorship full of proprietary brand marketing frameworks and customizable strategies (6 weeks of core curriculum and 1 implementation week)
• LIVE classes taught 2X every Monday
• LIVE Q&A + brainstorming sessions every Thursday
• 4 Bonus Q&A trainings with our own support team (covering everything from Insta stories, to sales emails, to operations, to paid advertising)
• LIFETIME access to all the training videos, recordings, action steps, bonus recordings, and the private Facebook community so you can experience everything as a DIY course at any point in the future
• PLUS, a free ticket to the New Wave Conference in Orlando, Florida (while tickets last)
(Saves you $247)

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