IMPORTANT updates to schedule +
student portal!

Hey friend,

One of our favorite things about offering Branding School LIVE is that it allows us to adapt the program to best support this group of students! So if you missed last night’s Q&A and haven’t watched the replay yet, we have a very BIG and exciting update:

We’re adding a whole EXTRA week to Branding School 2.0 called, “Critique Week.”

You can watch the entire announcement HERE

We created this extra week to give everyone working on Module 2 a chance to finish their dream customer research AND to give everyone working on Module 3 a chance to get their completed Action Steps personally critiqued by us!

We’ve never offered anything like this inside Branding School before! And based on the reactions we got when we made the announcement during the Q&A last night, it sounds like everyone is almost as excited as we are!

This NEW addition to the program means that we’ve updated your calendar with all the events. So your calendar now includes:

  • 2 LIVE “Critique Week” sessions happening next week
    • July 15 at 12pm Eastern
    • July 18 at 7pm Eastern

But we’ve also added the dates for our bonus training sessions!

  • A BONUS training with Kendrick Shope has been added on July 29! Which means:
    • On July 29 @ 12pm Eastern we will be teaching you the Module 5 training (on sales)
    • On July 29 at 7pm Eastern Kendrick Shope will teach you her proprietary framework for writing sales emails!
  • The BONUS Q&A trainings with our team have been officially confirmed! So on August 12, 14, and 16 we will be hosting three additional Q&As with our team:
    • August 12 @ 12pm Eastern will be your Q&A on Facebook Ads
    • August 14 @ 7pm Eastern will be your Q&A on community building and boundaries
    • August 16 @ 12pm Eastern will be your Q&A on customer service and operations

Please download the updated calendar and adjust the reminders on your computer/phone calendars, so you don’t miss any of these LIVE training experiences!

As always, these trainings will be recorded. But we highly encourage live attendance as much as possible.

But that’s not all …

We’ve made a few important updates to your student portal:

  1. “Critique Week” is now happening between Module 3 and Module 4. Which means there will be no Module 4 training until July 22 at 12pm and 7pm Eastern.

    To participate in Critique Week, we’ve added a tab labeled “CRITIQUE” to the student portal where you can pre-submit your completed Action Steps for Module 3.

    To be critiqued, you must join in LIVE during one of our two sessions (either July 15 at 12pm Eastern or July 18 at 7pm Eastern), so we can interact with you in real-time. For your critique, you will be on camera so we can personally dialogue with you!
  2. We’ve added more “throughline” examples under the Module 3 tab. We’re providing these video examples to help trigger a different part of your brain throughout this creative process. If you’ve been struggling to understand “Throughlines” via our written examples, seeing examples in video form could help unlock this Action Step for you!
  3. You can now download the slides for each training! We’ve gone back and added the slides for Modules 1-3 to make it even easier for you to click back through a training or to fill in any gaps in your notes.
  4. We’re adding detailed timestamps to our Q&A recordings to make it easy for you click through to the questions that matter to you most. Not all of the timestamps are complete, but you can see what it looks like by going to the Q&A recording for Module 1 in your student portal.

Like we said, one of the best parts of delivering this program live is that it’s not some static DIY training. Instead, it’s constantly being adapted to best support you and the rest of our Irresistibles. Hopefully all of these updates help make your experience even better!

If you have any questions about any of these updates, please let us know! Otherwise, we’ll see you on Monday for the start of “Critique Week!”

With so much love,
Elise + Scott

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